
   Usira is a small perennial grass that grows throughout India. The herb is commonly known as Cuscus grass and have many therapeutic uses. Usira have sweet scent and taste hence the name given. Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Usira for the treatment diseases caused by the vitiation of Pitta and Vata doshas as the herb is Pitta Vata alleviating in it’s action. Usira is used to treat numerous diseases including Fever , Skin diseases, Diabetes etc. Nowadays it is also used as an Antipyretic , Carminative and Anti-inflammatory agent as it contains Phytoconstituents like isobisabolene , khusol, khusilal etc.

General aspects and geography

Botanical name : Vetiveria zizanoides           

Family :  Poaceae 

Habitat: Through out India 

Parts used

  • Root

Classical categorization based on Ayurveda textbooks

Charaka Samhita – Chardinigrahana varga (Antiemetic)

Susruta Samhita – Sarivadi gana

Pharmacological action

  • Carminative 
  • Antipyretic  
  • Antiinflammatory 

Medicinal property according to Ayurveda

  • Pacana (digestive)
  • Jwarahara (Antipyretic )
  • Visaghna (Antipoisonous)

Therapeutic indications

  • Fever (Jwara)- Decoction prepared using Usira is used to treat Fever in it’s starting stage.
  • Vomiting (Chardi)- Usira is taken with rice water to immediately alleviate Vomiting 


Powder (Churna) – 3 g

Tablet - 2 tablets twice daily or as per the advice of the Ayurveda doctor 

Note: Ayurveda medications must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor. 


  • Usiradi taila
  • Usiradi kwatha
  • Usiradi curna

Morphology :

A perennial grass with compressed leaf sheaths. Inflorescence is raceme. Roots are fibrous.

Vernacular names of Usira

English – Cuscus grass

Hindi- Khas

Malayalam – Ramacham

Sanskrit – Usira 


  • Abhaya
  • Sevyam
  • Jalavasa


Rasa-  Madhura (Sweet)

Guna-  Laghu (Light)

Vipaka- Madhura (Sweet)

Virya-  Sita (Cold)

उशीरं पाचनं शीतं स्तम्भनं लघुतिक्तकम् 


(Bhavaprakasa Nighantu -Karpuradi varga-shloka 87)

Usira is Pitta Vata alleviating because of it’s properties like Sweet taste and cold potency. The herb is used to alleviate diseases caused by Pitta and Vata doshas like Fever , Vomiting etc. Ayurvedatarian lead by Dr. Varun Ram Raj, is currently conducting various researches based on ancient Ayurvedic textbooks, involving Usira for preparing various combinations of medicines to alleviate conditions involving vitiation of Vata and Pitta. Reach Ayurvedatarian for better health management.

Frequently asked Questions

1)What is the dosage of hot infusion of Usira?

   30-60 ml

2)What is the scientific name of Usira  ?

Botanical name of  Usira is Vetiveria zizanoides           


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