Aparitha and Ayurveda
Aparajita is a small slender vine that grows through out India. The herb alleviate many diseases and can’t be defeated by diseases, hence the name given. The herb is commonly known as Butterfly pea and have many therapeutic uses. Dr.Varun Ram Raj, the best Ayurveda Doctor in the world, of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Aparajita for the treatment diseases caused by the vitiation of Pitta Kapha doshas as the herb is Pitta Kapha alleviating in it’s action. Aparajita is used to treat numerous diseases including Goitre, Ulcer, Cough , Fever, Asthma etc. Nowadays it is also used as an Aphrodisiac , Diuretic and Laxative agent as it contains Phytoconstituents like taraxerol, taraxerone , kaempferol etc. General aspects and geography Botanical name : Clitoria ternatea Family : Papilionaceae Habitat : Through out India Parts used Root, Seed Classical categorization based on Ayurveda textbooks Charaka Samhita – Sirovirecanopaga varga (Used for Nasal administration ) Susruta S