
Showing posts from November, 2022

Bhringaraja: The natural hair care solution

      Bhringaraja is commonly known as Trailing Eclipta. The herb is also known as Kesaraja as it have very good effect on hair. Bhringaraja nourishes hair and gives natural black colour and also prevents premature greying of hair.The best Ayurveda Doctor in the world Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Bhringaraja to promote hair growth and also in alleviating conditions like Headache, Vitiligo etc as the plant is found to have excellent Kesya (Promotes hair growth ) and Twachya (Increase skin complexion ) properties. The herb contains Phytoconstituents like phytosterol, amyrin etc which aids in it’s Antibacterial and Analgesic actions. General aspects and geography Botanical name : Eclipta alba      Family :  Asteraceae  Habitat : Himalayan region Parts used Whole plant Classical categorization based on Ayurveda textbooks Charaka Samhita – not mentioned  Susruta Samhita – not mentioned  Pharmacological action Antibacterial  Purgative  Analgesic  Hepatoprotecti

Bhallataka: A key Ayurvedic herb in treating even the difficult most disorder

      Bhallataka is commonly known as Marking nut. It is one among the most potent herbs used for treatment purposes in Ayurveda. The intake of Bhallataka should be strictly under the supervision a qualified Ayurvedic physician as fatal dose can harm the body. The best Ayurveda Doctor in Asia Dr.Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Bhallataka to treat conditions like Skin disorders (Kushta), Worm infestation (Krimi), Haemorrhoids (Arsas) etc. as these conditions are caused by the vitiation of Vata and Kapha doshas and the herb Bhallataka is an excellent Vata Kapha samaka herb. According to modern researches Bhallataka can act as an Anticancerous and Antiallergic agent also. General aspects and Geography Botanical name : Semecarpus anacardium       Family :  Anacardiaceae  Habitat : Found through out India Parts used Fruit  Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Kushtaghna varga (alleviates skin disease ) Susruta Samhita – Nyagrodhadi gana P

Bala: One among the multi-potent master herbs

     Bala is one most potent herbs found on Earth. It is commonly known as country mallow and is found all over India. The name Bala elf means that the herb provides strength. The best Ayurveda Doctor in Europe Dr.Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Bala in treating conditions involving mis-balance of Vata dosha like Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis etc. as the plant is an excellent Vata and Pitta dosha alleviating in nature. Bala is also used as an Aphrodisiac and Analgesic. The plant contains Phyto-constituents like ephedrine, phytosterols etc. which aids in the aforementioned actions. General aspects and geography Botanical name : Sida cordifolia      Family :  Malvaceae  Habitat : Through out India  Parts used Roots Classical categorization based on Ayurveda textbooks Charaka Samhita – Balya varga (Promotes strength ) Susruta Samhita – Not mentioned  Pharmacological action Analgesic  Aphrodisiac  Tonic Diuretic  Medicinal property according to Ayurveda Balya ( str

Bakuci: The skin care herb from Ayurveda

            Bakuci is commonly known as Purple fleabane. The herb is well known for the successful management of Vitiligo (Switra). According to Ayurvedic textbooks, Bakuci is one most efficacious herbs for treating skin disorders. The best Ayurveda doctor Dr.Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Bakuci to treat conditions like Enteritis (Pravahika), Leucoderma (Switra) and to treat other skin disorders as the plant is Kapha and Pitta dosha balancing in nature. The main causative factor of the above mentioned conditions are vitiation of Kapha and Pitta doshas. Modern researches shows that the plant contains Phyto-constituents like raffenose, coumarin, psoralen etc which aids in it’s Antimicrobial actions. General Aspects and Geography Botanical name : Psoralea corylifolia         Family :  Papilionaceae  Habitat : Found through out India Parts used Seed Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Not mentioned  Susruta Samhita – Not mentioned  P

Ativisha: A multi-potent herb especially beneficial in digestive system ailments

          Ativisa is commonly known as Indian Atees and is found predominantly in the Himalayan areas. The name Ativisa is given to the plant as it have the potency to overcome even visa(Poison). The herb can be used to treat numerous diseases including Fever, Cough, Diarrhoea etc. Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Ativisa for the treatment of Grahani (Sprue), Atisara (Diarrhoea )and Cough as the herb is Pitta Kapha samaka and these conditions are caused by the vitiation of the aforementioned doshas. Ativisa contains Phytoconstituents including Atisine, Atidine, Doterpene etc which aids in it’s Antibacterial and Aphrodisiac actions. General aspects and geography Botanical name : Aconitum heterophyllum     Family :  Rananculaceae  Habitat : Himalayan region Parts used Tuberous roots Classical categorization based on Ayurveda textbooks Charaka Samhita – Arsoghna varga (alleviates Haemorrhoids ) Susruta Samhita – Pippalyadi gana Pharmacological action Antibacterial 

Ashoka: The herb friend for female system

                Asoka is commonly known as Asoka tree and is one of the most widely used herb in Ayurvedic treatment procedures. The bark, seed and flowers of Asoka tree have excellent medicinal values. Asoka can be used to treat many diseases including Vaginal disorders, Abdominal tumor, Wound etc. Dr Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Asoka to alleviate conditions like Pradara(Metrorrhagia ), Urinary calculus (Asmari) etc as the plant is found to be Kapha Pitta samaka in nature. The main causative factors of these diseases are vitiation of Kapha Pitta doshas and hence using Asoka, we can pacify the conditions. The herb contains Phytoconstituents like catechols, leucocyanidin etc which aids in it’s Astringent and Uterine sedative properties. General aspects and Geography Botanical name : Saraca indica      Family :  Caesalpinaceae  Habitat : Found through out India Parts used Bark Seed & Flowers Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita –