
Showing posts from October, 2022

Trikatu: The master combination of three herbs

                Trikatu is the mixture of Pippali(Long pepper), Marica(Black Pepper )and Sunti(Ginger). It is mainly used in powdered as well as tablet form in the treatment of many diseases. Dr.Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses this herbal combinations in wide range of conditions inclduing Amadosha (Toxins formed due to improper metabolism) related ailments. Ayurvedatarian is using the best quality herbs for the traetment puposes for attaining the best results.  पिप्पली मरिचं शुण्ठी त्रयमेतद्विमिश्रितम् । त्रिकटु त्र्यूषणं व्योषं कटुत्रिकमथोच्यते || १६ || (Bhaishajyaratnavali, paribhashaprakarana; Shloka 16).  Ingredients  Pippali – Piper longum – 1 part Marica- Piper nigrum - 1 part Sunti- Zingiber officinale – 1 part Forms used Churna(powder) and . Gulika (tablet)  Note: All Ayurveda medicines including Trikatu must be taken after consultating an Ayurveda doctor.  Dosage  10 g Anupana ( Trikatu can be taken with)  Honey, Warm water Uses   Arocaka (Tastelessness),  A

Ardraka: The master herb

    Ardraka, commonly known as Ginger is one of the most widely used herb for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda. Ginger is a potent herb due to the specific actions and hence it is also called ‘Mahoushadhi ‘. Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Ardraka for the treatment of conditions like Agnimandya(Loss of appetite ), Aruchi(Anorexia )etc due to the actions like Deepana & Pachana( Carminative and digestion promoting actions ). The herb is also Vata Kapha reducing and hence used in conditions arising due to vitiation of Vata and Kapha doshas like Urticaria, Haemorrhoids etc. The herb contains Phyto-constituents like camphene, phellandrene etc. Ayurvedatarian is using the best quality tiger for our treatment purposes.  General aspects and Geography  Botanical name : Zingiber officinale     Family :  Zingiberaceae  Habitat : Cultivated through out India Parts used Rhizome Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Dipaniya varga (Carminativ

Aswaganda: The power to you

       Aswaganda is commonly known as Winter cherry. According to Ayurvedic textbooks, Aswaganda is one of the most potent aphrodisiac herbs found. The herb promotes sexual potency and also improves mental strength. Nowadays the herb is also used as a sedative. Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Aswaganda in conditions like Insomnia (nidranasa), Emaciation (Sosa) etc owing to it’s properties like Balya(Promotes strength ), Rasayana(Rejuvenative ) and also Vata Kapha hara action as such condition is caused mainly by the aggrevation of Vata and Kapha doshas. Modern studies showed that the herb contains Phytoconstituents like Somniferine, withainine etc and it aids in it’s sedative and hypnotic actions. General aspects and Geography Botanical name : Withania somnifera    Family :  Solanaceae  Habitat: Found through out India Parts used Root  Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Balya varga (promotes strength ) Susruta Samhita – not mentione

Yashtimadhu: The rapid healer

       Yashtimadhu, also known as Madhuka is one of the most widely used medicinal herbs in Ayurveda owing to it’s Pitta and Vata alleviation property. It is commonly known as Liquorice and is sweet in taste. Yashti is used in the alleviation of numerous diseases including Cough, Dyspnoea, Burning sensation etc. Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Yashti in hoarseness of voice, vomiting and respiratory conditions because of it’s Sita vjrya(Cold potency) and Vata Pitta hara nature. The herb contains Phytoconstituents like glycyrhizine, licoagrone, quercitin etc which are found to have excellent antiinflammatory actions.  General Aspects and Geography Botanical name : Glycyrrhiza glabra       Family :  Papilionaceae  Habitat: Found through out India Parts used Roots and stolons Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Chardinigrahana varga (Alleviates Vomiting ) Susruta Samhita – Kakolyadi gana Pharmacological Actions Hepatoprotective  Antimicr

Manjishta: The herb for skin care

          Manjishta is well known as Indian madder. The herb is an excellent blood purifier and is also used as a dyeing agent as it imparts color. Manjishta have many actions including Antidiabetic, Diuretic, Haemostatic, Anthelmintic etc and is a high potential medicinal herb. Dr.Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Manjishta in inflammatory conditions and in skin discoloration owing to it’s Pittahara action. The herb contains Phytoconstituents like Manjishtin, purpurin etc. which are found to have excellent antiinflammatory actions.  General Aspects and Geography Botanical name : Rubia cordifolia      Family :  Rubiaceae  Habitat: Found through out India Parts used Roots Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Jwarahara varga (Alleviates fever ) Susruta Samhita – Priyangvadi gana Pharmacological Actions Blood purifier Antimicrobial  Hemostatic  Diuretic  Antidiabetic  Medicinal property according to Ayurveda Varnya (increases skin complexion )

Sigru: The nearest healer

         Sigru is a very potent herb commonly known as Drum stick. The plant is cultivated through out India as it’s fruits and leaves are edible. The herb is known to have many medicinal properties. Sigru is used in diseases like worm infestations, eye disorders, skin ailments etc. Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Sigru for the treatment of Psoriasis, Acetonuria etc. due to the Kapha dosha pacifying nature. This herb contains phytoconstituents like leucine, aspartic acid, etc which are proven to have antimicrobial action. The herb is Vata-Kapha  dosha balancing in nature and hence is used to treat many conditions arises due to vitiation of these 2 doshas. General aspects and Geography  Botanical name : Moringa oleifera    Family :  Moringaceae  Habitat: Cultivated through out India Parts used Bark Fruit Leaves Seed  Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Krimghna varga (Antimicrobial ) Susruta Samhita – Varunadi gana Pharmacological act

Sallaki: The Sport medicine herb

                Sallaki is commonly known as Indian olibanum. Sallaki is an aromatic herb. The exudate from this herb has a pleasant smell. The pleasing aroma gives this plant the name ‘Hradani”. The herb is used to treat diseases like Diarrhoea, Bleeding disorders, Ulcers etc. Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Sallaki for the treatment of bleeding disorders as it alleviate rakta dhatu vitiation and pitta dosha which are responsible for such disorders. Modern researches shows that many Phyto-constituents like Boswellic acid, Cymene, Piviene etc. found in the plant is helpful in arresting bleeding and healing ulcers quickly.  General aspects and Geography Botanical name : Boswellia serrata   Family :  Burseraceae  Habitat : Found through out India Parts used Exudate (Niryasa) Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks Charaka Samhita – Purisavirajaniya varga (Reduces abdominal discomforts ) Susruta Samhita – Eladi gana Pharmacological action Diuretic  Ar

Kumari: The multi-potent herb

                   Kumari, commonly known as Aloe vera is one of the most widely used herb in Ayurveda. The plant can survive with little quantity of water and it has cooling effect, hence the name ‘Kumari' is given. The plant posses excellent rejuvenation qualities and hence used in many Rasayana oushadhis (Rejuvenation medicines). Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Kumari for the treatment of digestive system ailments and trauma as it is an excellent herb in pacifying all the three doshas.  This herb contains many Phyto-constituents like Anthraquinone glycosides, aloetic acid etc. which are Hepato-protective in nature. According to Ayurvedic acharyas , Kumari have excellent Kushtaghna (Alleviate skin disorders) and Krimghna (Antimicrobial )activity and hence used in treatments of skin ailments. General aspects and geography Botanical name : Aloe vera   Family :  Liliaceae  Habitat : Cultivated through out India Parts used Leaves Pharmacological action Laxativ

Kumkumadi Thailam: The natural skin rejuvenation solution from Ayurvedatarian

        Reference:  Bhaishajya Ratnavali and Ashtanga Hrudayam ( Ancient Ayurvedic Classical Textbooks)    Kumkumadi thailam is a natural skin rejuvenator from Ayurvedatarian. This oil is infused with pure Saffron as well as other key ingredients which help in maintaining the skin health. Our oil  is highly suggested in the conditions of  Diseases of mouth and face -   Pigmentation diseases including dark circles, -   Dryness of skin and  Acne vulgaris  Certain moles and papillomas.  Note:   In all the above mentioned conditions, take medications only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor. Ayurvedatarian Kumkumadi Thailam is made by the best Ayurveda doctor in the world Dr.Varun Ram Raj.    Kumkumadi thailam from Ayurvedatarian is an ultimate natural combination  for attaining a radiant and glowing skin.  Kumkumadi Thailam Ayurvedatarian or Ayurvedatarian Kumkumadi Thailam is one among the most used Kumkumadi Thailam around the globe.  Key Ingredients :  Kumkuma - Crocus sativus Cha