Ankola and Ayurveda
Ankola is commonly known as Sage leaved Alangium. The plant have numerous medicinal properties and have long spines, hence the name given. Dr.Varun Ram Raj, the best Ayurveda Doctor in India, of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Ankola in conditions involving the vitiation of Kapha and Vata doshas as it alleviates these doshas. The herb is used to treat conditions like Worm infestation ,Skin disorders etc. Ankola is also used as an Anthelmintic , Antibacterial and Diuretic agent etc as it contains Phyto constituents like tubulosine , marckine, alangicine etc.
General aspects and Geography
Botanical name : Alangium lamarki
Family : Alangiaceae
Habitat: Found through out India
Parts used
- Whole plant
Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks
Charaka Samhita – not mentioned
Susruta Samhita – not mentioned
Pharmacological action
- Anthelmintic
- Purgative
- Diuretic
Medicinal property according to Ayurveda
- Recaka (Purgative )
- Vamaka (Emetic)
- Sulahara (Analgesic )
Therapeutic indications
- Worm infestation (Krimi )- Ankola root powder is taken along with Honey to alleviate Worm infestation
- Skin disorder (Kushta)- Powder of Ankola is applied on the affected parts to alleviate itching.
Powder – 2 g
Decoction – 50 ml
Tablet - 2 tablets twice daily or as per the advice of the Ayurveda doctor
Note: Ayurveda medications must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor.
- Ankola mula kalka
- Ankola ghrtha
- Ankoladi taila
Morphology :
A small tree with spines. Leaves are oblong. Fruits are globular. Flowers are densely pubescent.
Vernacular names of Ankola
English – Alangium
Hindi- Ankola
Malayalam – Ayangolam
Sanskrit - Ankola
- Rechi
- Dirghakila
- Tamraphala
Rasa- Katu (Acrid )
Guna- Laghu (Light)
Vipaka- Katu (Acrid )
Virya- Ushna (hot )
Prabhava -Visaghna (Antipoisonous )
अङ्कोटकः कटुस्तीक्ष्णः स्निग्धोष्णस्तुवरो लघुः । ।
रेचनः कृमिशूलामशोफग्रहविषापहः ।
(Bhavaprakasa Nighantu -Guducyadi varga-shloka 139)
Ankola alleviate Vata Kapha doshas because of its properties like hot potency and Acrid taste. Ayurvedatarian lead by the best Ayurveda Doctor Dr.Varun Ram Raj, uses the herb Ankola to treat numerous diseases including Skin infection, Fever and Worm infestation and also conducts researches on the herb to prepare new combinations of medicines to cure diseases effectively. Ankola is one of the effective herbs used in rat poison. Reach Ayurvedatarian for better health management.
Frequently asked Questions
- What are the uses of Ankola curna ?
According to Ayurvedic textbooks, Ankola curna can be used to treat Skin disorders and Worm infestation .
- What is the Dosage of Ankola curna?
Curna( powder) can be taken at a dose of 1-3 g internally.
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