Durva is commonly known as conch grass. The name Durva is given to the herb as it alleviates numerous diseases. The herb also found through out India.Dr. Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Durva for the treatment of diseases caused by the vitiation of Kapha and Pitta doshas including Intrinsic hemorrhage, bleeding piles etc as the herb is Kapha Pitta samaka in nature. Various forms like Juice, Decoction and Paste of the plant can be used to treat diseases. Modern researches shows that the plant can be used as an antiviral, diuretic and astringent agent.
General aspects and geography
Botanical name : Cynodon dactylon
Family : Poaceae
Habitat: Through out India
Parts used
- Whole plant
Classical categorization based on Ayurveda textbooks
Charaka Samhita – Varnya varga (Promotes skin complexion )
Susruta Samhita – Not mentioned
Pharmacological action
- Antiviral
- Haemostatic
- Astringent
- Diuretic
Medicinal property according to Ayurveda
- Trisnahara (Alleviate thirst)
- Jwarahara (Antipyretic )
- Varnya (Provides skin nourishment )
Therapeutic indications
- Bleeding disorders (Rakthapitta )- The juice of Durva is mixed with honey and is taken to alleviate bleeding disorders.
- Herpes (Visarpa)- Ghee processed with Juice of Durva heals wound due to Herpes
- Ulcer (Vrana)- Oil processed with Juice of Durva is very useful in Wound
Powder (Churna) – 3 g
Decoction (Kwatha)- 90 ml
Tablet - 2 tablets twice daily or as per the advice of the Ayurveda doctor
Note: Ayurveda medications must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor.
- Durvadya taila
- Jatyadi ghrtha
- Durvadya ghrtha
- Durvadya taila
Morphology :
A creeping prostrate with slender stems. Leaves are soft and smooth. Inflorescence is spike type.
Vernacular names
English – conch grass
Hindi- doorva
Malayalam – karukappullu
Sanskrit – durva
- Anantha
- Amari
- Satavirya
Rasapanchaka of Durva
Rasa- Madhura (Sweet) Kashaya (Astringent )
Guna- Laghu (light)
Vipaka- Madhura (Sweet)
Virya- Sita (cold)
श्वेतदूर्वा कषाया स्यात्स्वाद्वी व्रण्याच जीवनी |
तिक्ता हिमा विसर्पास्त्रत्रपित्तकफदाहहृत् । ।
(Bhavaprakasa Nighantu -Guducyadi varga-shloka 174)
Durva is Pitta Kapha samaka because of it’s properties like Bitter taste and Cold potency. The herb is used to alleviate diseases caused by Pitta and Kapha doshas like Haemorrhoids and Ulcer etc. Ayurvedatarian lead by Dr. Varun Ram Raj, is currently conducting various researches based on ancient Ayurvedic textbooks, involving Durva for preparing various combinations of medicines to alleviate conditions involving vitiation of Kapha and Pitta. Reach Ayurvedatarian for better health management.
Frequently asked Questions
1)Which part of Durva is used?
The whole plant can be used.
2)What is the Family of Durva?
Botanical family of Durva is Poaceae
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