Bhallataka: A key Ayurvedic herb in treating even the difficult most disorder
Bhallataka is commonly known as Marking nut. It is one among the most potent herbs used for treatment purposes in Ayurveda. The intake of Bhallataka should be strictly under the supervision a qualified Ayurvedic physician as fatal dose can harm the body. The best Ayurveda Doctor in Asia Dr.Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Bhallataka to treat conditions like Skin disorders (Kushta), Worm infestation (Krimi), Haemorrhoids (Arsas) etc. as these conditions are caused by the vitiation of Vata and Kapha doshas and the herb Bhallataka is an excellent Vata Kapha samaka herb. According to modern researches Bhallataka can act as an Anticancerous and Antiallergic agent also.
General aspects and Geography
Botanical name : Semecarpus anacardium
Family : Anacardiaceae
Habitat: Found through out India
Parts used
- Fruit
Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks
Charaka Samhita – Kushtaghna varga (alleviates skin disease )
Susruta Samhita – Nyagrodhadi gana
Pharmacological action
- Antiallergic
- Antiinflammatory
- Antibacterial
- Analgesic
Medicinal property according to Ayurveda
- Deepana ( carminative )
- Kushtaghna ( alleviate skin disease )
- Sulahara (Analgesic )
- Jwaraghna (Reduces fever )
Therapeutic indications
- Worm infestation (Krimi)- Enema using Bhallataka taila is found to be successful to treat worm infestation.
- Haemorrhoids (Arsas)- Butter milk processed with Bhallataka is useful in alleviating Piles
Oil (Taila)- 10-20 drops
Tablet - 2 tablets twice daily or as per the advice of the Ayurveda doctor
Note: Ayurveda medications must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor.
- Bhallatakadi kwatha
- Bhallatakadi modaka
- Bhallatakadi taila
- Bhallataka ghrtha
Morphology :
A medium sized tree with greyish bark. Leaves are glabrous above and ashy beneath. Inflorescence is compound panicle. Flowers are small and greenish yellow. Fruits are drupaceous nuts.
Vernacular names of Bhallataka
English – Marking nut
Hindi- Bhilawa
Malayalam – Tenparaka
Sanskrit -Bhallataka
- Arushkara
- Viravriksha
- Agnika
- Ranjaka
Rasapanchaka of Bhallataka
Rasa- Katu (Acrid) Madhura(Sweet)
Guna- Laghu (light)
Vipaka- Madhura(Sweet)
Virya- ushna (hot)
भल्लातक फलं पक्वंस्वादुपाकरसंलघु ।
कषायं पाचनं स्निग्धं तीक्षोष्णं छेदि भेदनम् ।।
(Bhavaprakasa Nighantu -Haritakyadi varga-shloka 229)
Bhallataka alleviate Vata Kapha doshas because of it’s properties like Sweet taste and hot potency etc. Hence the herb can be used to treat conditions caused by the vitiation of Vata Kapha doshas. Ayurvedatarian lead by the best Ayurveda doctor Dr.Varun Ram Raj, uses the herb Bhallataka to cure disorders involving these 2 doshas. Ayurvedatarian uses the herb to alleviate Skin ailments, Haemorrhoids etc. Reach Ayurvedatarian for better health.
Researches on Bhallataka
Frequently asked Questions
- What are the uses of Bhallataka ghrtha?
Ghee prepared from Bhallataka is used to treat diseases like Abdominal tumor, Anaemia etc.
- What are the adverse effects of Bhallataka?
Bhallataka in high dose causes blisters on tongue and throat, heart burn, swelling etc.
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