Ashoka: The herb friend for female system



     Asoka is commonly known as Asoka tree and is one of the most widely used herb in Ayurvedic treatment procedures. The bark, seed and flowers of Asoka tree have excellent medicinal values. Asoka can be used to treat many diseases including Vaginal disorders, Abdominal tumor, Wound etc. Dr Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Asoka to alleviate conditions like Pradara(Metrorrhagia ), Urinary calculus (Asmari) etc as the plant is found to be Kapha Pitta samaka in nature. The main causative factors of these diseases are vitiation of Kapha Pitta doshas and hence using Asoka, we can pacify the conditions. The herb contains Phytoconstituents like catechols, leucocyanidin etc which aids in it’s Astringent and Uterine sedative properties.

General aspects and Geography

Botanical name : Saraca indica     

Family :  Caesalpinaceae 

Habitat: Found through out India

Parts used

  • Bark Seed & Flowers

Classical categorization based on Ayurveda Textbooks

Charaka Samhita – Vedanasthapaka varga (alleviates pain  )

Susruta Samhita – Rodhradi gana

Pharmacological action

  • Uterine sedative
  • Astringent  


Medicinal property according to Ayurveda

  • Grahi ( constipative )
  • Varnya (Beneficial for skin complexion  )
  • Visaghna (Antipoisonous)
  • Jwaraghna (Reduces fever )

Therapeutic indications

  • Urinary calculus (Asmari)- The seed powder of Asoka is taken along with water for the ailment of Urinary calculus.
  • Metrorrhagia(Pradara)- Decoction made up of bark of Asoka is taken in the morning to relieve Metrorrhagia.


Powder (Churna) – 2 g

Decoction (Kashaya )- 60 ml

Juice(Swarasa)- 10 ml

Tablet - 2 tablets twice daily or as per the advice of the Ayurveda doctor 

Note: Ayurveda medications must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor. 


  • Asoka kwatha
  • Asokarishta
  • Madhukadyavaleha
  • Asoka ghrtha 

Morphology :

A large tree that grows upto 9 m in height. Branches are glabrous. Leaves are long with 4-6 leaflets. Inflorescence is axillary corymb. Flowers are numerous and red in color. Fruits are of pod type with 4-8 seeds.

Vernacular names of Asoka

English – Asoka tree

Hindi- Asok

Malayalam – Asoka

Sanskrit -Asoka 

Synonyms of Asoka

  • Gandapushpa
  • Tamrapallava
  • Kamkeli

Rasapanchaka of Asoka

Rasa- Tikta (bitter) Kashaya (Astringent ) 

Guna-  Laghu (Light)

Vipaka- Katu (Acrid ) 

Virya- Sita (cold)

अशोकः शीतलास्तिक्तो ग्राही वर्ण्य कषायकः

 दोषापचीतृषादाहकृमिशोष विषास्रजित् |

(Bhavaprakasa Nighantu -Pushpa varga-shloka 48)

  Asoka alleviates Kapha Pitta doshas owing to it’s properties of Astringent taste and Cold potency etc. The herb can be used successfully in treating Kapha Pittaja vyadhis. Ayurvedatarian lead by Dr. Varun Ram Raj, uses the herb to pacify conditions like Metrorrhagia which involves vitiation of Pitta dosha. We conducts many studies on the herb to formulate new combinations to alleviate Pitta-Kapha disorders. Reach Ayurvedatarian for better recovery of health.

Researches on Asoka

Frequently asked Questions

  1. What are the uses of Asoka kashaya ?

According to Ayurvedic textbooks, Asoka kashaya can be used to treat hoarseness of voice (Swarasada)

  1. What is the Dosage of Asokarishta ?

          Asokarishta can be taken internally at a dose of 20 ml for an adult.


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