Agnimantha: An effective herb in Vata and Kapha related disorders
Agnimantha, commonly known as Wind killer is one of the most used herbs in Ayurveda. The plant have many medicinal properties and is used to treat numerous diseases including Lipuria, Haemorrhoids, Urticaria etc. The best Ayurveda doctor Dr.Varun Ram Raj of Ayurvedatarian uses the herb Agnimantha in conditions like Granthi visarpa( Erysipelas pustulosum) and Vasameha (Lipuria ) as the herb is Vata and Kapha reducing in nature and these conditions are caused by the mis-balanced Vata Kapha doshas. The herb contains Phytoconstituents like Premnine, Ganiarine etc. which aids in it’s hypoglycemic actions.
General aspects and Geography
Botanical name : Premna integrifolia
Family : Verbenaceae
Habitat: Found through out India
Parts used
- Roots
Classical categorisation based on Ayurveda Textbooks
Charaka Samhita – Sothahara varga (alleviates swelling )
Susruta Samhita – Varunadi gana
Pharmacological action
- Hypoglycemic
- Anthelmintic
- Antiinflammatory
Medicinal property according to Ayurveda
- Vibandahara ( laxative )
- Sothahara (Beneficial for reducing swelling )
- Agnivardaka (carminative )
- Jwaraghna (Reduces fever )
Therapeutic indications
- Urticaria (Sitapitta)- Powder of Agnimantha is taken along with Ghee to cure Urticaria
- Lipuria(Vasameha)- Decoction of Agnimantha is beneficial in Lipuria
- Haemorrhoids (Arsas)- Decoction of Agnimantha is used for Avagaha (Tub bath) to alleviate Arsas.
Powder (Churna) – 5 g
Juice(Swarasa)- 10 ml
Tablet - 2 tablets twice daily or as per the advice of the Ayurveda doctor
Note: Ayurveda medications must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor.
- Dasamula kwatha
- Dasamularishta
- Narayana taila
- Indukantha ghrtha
Morphology :
A large shrub or small tree with yellowish bark. Leaves are wide broadly elliptic and glabrous. Inflorescence is terminal paniculate corymbose cyme. Flowers are small greenish yellow. Fruits are pear shaped.
Vernacular names of Agnimantha
English – Wind killer
Hindi- Arani
Malayalam – Thirutali
Sanskrit -Agnimantha
Synonyms of Agnimantha
- Tarkari
- Jaya
- Jayanthi
- Kethu
Rasapanchaka of Agnimantha
Rasa- Tikta (bitter) Kashaya (Astringent ) Katu (Acrid ) Madhura(Sweet)
Guna- Laghu (Light)
Vipaka- Katu (Acrid )
Virya- Ushna (hot)
अग्निमन्थः श्वयथुनुद्वीर्योष्णः कफवातहत् ।
पाण्डुनुत्कटुकस्तिक्तस्तुवरो मधुरोऽग्निदः ।।
(Bhavaprakasa Nighantu -Guducyadi varga-shloka 24)
Agnimantha alleviates Vata and Kapha doshas owing to it’s properties like hot potency and Acrid taste etc. Ayurvedatarian lead by the best Ayurveda doctor in India Dr.Varun Ram Raj, uses the herb to Agnimantha in treating conditions involving the vitiation of Vata Kapha doshas like Vasameha(Lipuria) Arsas(Haemorrhoids ) etc.
Researches on Agnimantha
Frequently asked Questions
- What are the uses of Agnimantha churna?
According to Ayurvedic textbooks, Agnimantha churna can be used to treat diseases like Sitapitta (Urticaria ) and Skin disorders.
- What is the Dosage of Agnimantha kwatha?
Agnimantha kwatha can be taken internally at a dose of 50-100 ml for an adult or as per the advise of an Ayurveda doctor. Always take a doctor consultation before taking any Ayurvedic medications.
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