Pottassery Thailam: The best Ayurvedic Oil

Pottassery Thailam : The best Ayurvedic oil

   Pottassery Thailam is an Ayurveda oil from the first Ayurvedatarian family in Palakkad, Kerala, India. 

Pottassery Thailam is indicated in:

  • Sports injuries 
  • Pain
  • Aches
  • Sprain
  • Weakness and 
  • Degeneration

   This combination is beneficial in any sort of sport injuries including a joint pain or a fracture. It is highly recommended in sprains and strains. This oil is successfully used by Dr. Varun Ram Raj, for the degenerative condition named Arthritis. The inflammatory changes in the spondylitis is also benefitted with the long term usage of this oil.  All types of muscle pain, general aches and weakness in the musculoskeletal system can be managed with the help of Pottassery Thailam with high success rates. 


Each 100 ml of oil is prepared by using,

  1. Karanja- Pongamia pinnata- crushed root- 5 gram
  2. Rasna- Alpinia galanja- crushed rhizome and leaves – 5 grams
  3. Kushta-Saussurea lappa-crushed root- 5 grams
  4. Bala-Sida cordifolia- crushed root- 5 grams
  5. Sahachara-Nilgirianthus ciliatus-crushed root- 5 grams
  6. Kumari- Aloe vera-leaf pulp – 5 grams
  7. Ela- Elletaria cardamomum-crushed fruit powder- 2.5 gram
  8. Shigru – Moringa oleifera- liquid extract of Sigru leaves- 5 ml
  9. Guggulu- Commiphora wightii- resin- 5 grams
  10. Karpoora-Cinnamomum camphora- exudate- 2.5 grams
  11. Tila thailam- Sesame oil- Sesamum indicum- 100 ml

Method of Preparation:

     The standard method of Thailam preparation is used in the making of Pottassery Thailam. The shloka or the making recipe on the preparation can be attained from Ayurvedatarian. 

Method of Usage:

  3-10 ml on the affected areas or as per the guidance of an Ayurveda doctor. It is used in the massaging of different body parts and also in the bandaging  after the proper consultation by an Ayurveda doctor. 

Get healed through Ayurveda.


  For better results, start the usage after consultation with Dr.Varun Ram Raj, by writing to

info@ayurvedatarian.com or drvarunramraj@gmail.com


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