Amla/Amalaki- The Ayurvedatarian herb of choice
Amalaki contains Phytoconstituents like
Ellagic acid,
Zeatin etc. which are helpful in protecting our pancreas and also reduces hyper-cholesterol conditions. Amla if used properly have excellent results in reducing the sugar or glucose levels in case of diabetes. According to Ayurvedic textbooks, the fruits of Amalaki have excellent rejuvenation property and can help in increasing physical strength. Amalaki or Amla is known for it’s anti-ageing effect. Ayurvedatarian, under the leadership of Dr. Varun Ram Raj is working hard to bring the high quality Amal and similar other herbs to all Ayurveda followers.
Botanical name : Emblica officinalis / Phyllanthus emblica
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Habitat: Found through out India
- Fruit
Classical categorisation based on Ayurveda.
Charaka Samhita – Kushtaghna varga (Used for the treatment of skin disorders)
Susruta Samhita – Amalakyadi varga (Have excellent rejuvenation property)
- Immunomodulator
- Anticarcinogenic
- Antihypercholesterolaemic
- Pancreatoprotective
- Antimicrobial
Medicinal property according to Ayurveda
- Rasayana (Rejuvenation property)
- Pramehaghna( Antidiabetic)
- Kesya(Increases hair growth)
- Caksusya(Beneficial for eyes)
- Kushtaghna (Used for treating skim disorders)
- Jwaraghna (Reduces fever)
Therapeutic indications
- Diabetes (Prameha) – Fresh Juice of Amalaki mixed with Haridra(Curcuma longa) can check Diabetes
- Fever (Jwara) – Juice extracted from Gooseberry fried with ghee and taken internally.
- Jaundice (Kamala) – Juice of Amalaki and Grapes taken internally can relive Jaundice
- Cough (Kasa) – The powder of Amalaki is boiled with milk and taken with ghee immediately reduces cough.
- Anaemia (Pandu)- Powder of Amalaki mixed with honey and taken regularly for the ailment of Anaemia
Powder (Churna) – 3-10g
Decoction (Kashaya)- 90 ml
Tablet - 2 tablets twice daily or as per the advice of the Ayurveda doctor
Note: Ayurveda medications must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor.
- Thriphala Churna
- Thriphala Ghrtha
- Amalaki kashaya
- Dhatryarishta
- Amalakyavaleha
Small sized tree with spreading branches. Leaves are sub-sessile and of light green color. Flowers are greenish yellow. Fruits are globose with 6 obscure vertical furrows. Seeds are 6,3 - gonous
Vernacular names
English – Indian Gooseberry
Hindi- Anvala
Malayalam – Nelli
Synonyms of Amalaki
- Kolam
- Amala
- Amruta
- Dhathri
- Vrishya
Rasapanchaka of Amalaki
Rasa- Amla pradhana lavana varjita pancharasa (All tastes except Salty, predominantly sour taste along with sweet, bitter, acrid and astringent )
Guna- Ruksha (Dry), Laghu (Light)
Vipaka- Madhura (sweet)
Virya- Sita (cold)
The amla rasa(sour taste) of Amalaki is helpful in reducing Vata dosha, it’s cold potency helps in alleviating Pitta dosha and it’s Ruksha(Dry) guna helps in reducing Kapha dosha. Hence Amalaki is one of the main herbs used for medicinal preparations by Ayurvedatarian specialists. Dr. Varun Ram Raj, is leading the research for Ayurvedatarian single herbs and herbal combinations for making the availability of high quality herbal as well as Ayurvedic products to the globe.
- Evaluation of antioxidant property of Amalaki
- Cardioprotective action of Amalaki
Frequently asked Questions
1) Is Amalaki good for controlling Diabetes?
Yes, Amalaki is one of the most potent herb for treating Diabetes (Prameha) as per Ayurveda. It can be taken on a daily basis for controlling Diabetes.
2) Is Amalaki effective in Anaemia?
Yes. Amalaki is taken along with honey in the treatment of Anaemia(Pandu roga).
3) What is the dosage of Amalaki swarasa(Extract)?
The dosage of the extract depends on the condition of the patient and age of the patient. One must take the dose as suggested by a physician. On general note, the extract dosage is 10-20 ml for an adult.
4) Is Amalaki and Amla are same?
Yes, Amalaki and Amla are same.
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